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Fundamentals of Economic Gas Regulation

There are considerable training needs at all levels in the developing national gas markets.  We have therefore put together a programme of trainin

Corporate Training Programme

(Five or Ten Days)


There are considerable training needs at all levels in the developing national gas markets.  We have therefore put together a programme of training courses in the commercial, regulatory and technical aspects of natural gas, to help participants to drive forward the gas market business effectively and competitively.

A five day certificated course introducing economic gas regulation. This course is suitable for anyone wishing to learn about gas regulation.

Course objectives

After completing this course, each student will have an understanding of economic gas regulation and basics of how to regulation the commercial activities of gas enterprises.

Who will benefit?

Government and parastatal officials involved in the regulation of energy or gas enterprises, company executives involved in regulated activities, and operational managers, all of whom deal with regulation or its effects in their daily operational roles.

Previous experience

No previous experience is needed.


1. National gas market

National gas market; National Petroleum and Gas Legislation; Overview of International Gas Markets

2. Legal and Contractual Framework

Legal Framework; Contractual framework (general principles, contractual frameworks, Gas Sales Agreements, power purchasing and Power Purchase Agreements, Take or Pay, transportation agreements, structure of long term contracts)

3. Regulatory Framework

Monopoly markets and development of competition; Alternative types of regulation; International examples of gas sector regulation; Regulatory framework; Licences; Non economic regulation

4. Trading and Supply

System and congestion management; Main Concepts; Third party and open access; Grid codes, International examples of third party access regimes

5. Pricing and Tariffs

Components of the price; Types of price regulation (cost plus pricing, incentive pricing, netback pricing); Tariff design principles; Gas pricing strategies; Cost of service tariff design; Comparison of international gas prices and regulations

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